public class EvaluationScope : IEvaluationScope
EvaluationScope | Initializes a new instance of the EvaluationScope. |
EvaluationScope(EvaluationOptions) | Initializes a new instance of the EvaluationScope class with custom options. |
EvaluationScope(String) | Initializes a new instance of the EvaluationScope class with standalone lambda expression. |
ClearCache | Force clearing cached evaluation results. |
Create | Create a cope instance. |
EvaluateTValue(ExpressionFuncTValue, String, String) | Evaluates an expression and captures it's arguments. |
EvaluateTCase, TValue(FuncSwitchExpressionTCase, TValueResultEvaluator, String) | Evaluates switch expression and captures it's values as arguments. |