EvaluationOptions | Provides options to be used with EvaluationScope. |
EvaluationScope | Class provides methods to write calculations and capture the results. |
EvaluationScopeT | Provides the base class from which the use-case specific calculations classes can be derived. |
Result | Provides methods to execute simple ad-hoc calculations. |
Scope | Provides static methods for quick EvaluationScope creation. |
SwitchExpressionT, TReturn | Provides support of swithc/case logic building using fluent builder pattern. |
SwitchExpressionT, TReturnCaseBuilder | Next or default case part builder. |
SwitchExpressionT, TReturnResultEvaluator | Class that will allow EvaluationContext to execute the configured Switch/Case expression. |
SwitchExpressionT, TReturnReturnBuilder | Case return part buider. |
SwitchExpressionT, TReturnSwitchBuilder | Switch case part builder. |
IEvaluationScope | Provides an interface to an EvaluationScopeT object. |
IEvaluationScopeT | Provides an interface to an EvaluationScopeT object. |